Skopje, October 3, 2019 – A working meeting of the Media Literacy Network was held today, where, among other things, members of the coordinating group of the Network were voted for and the Program for Media Literacy Days 2019 was discussed.
At the meeting, the composition of the members of the three working groups in the Network – Formal and informal education was presented; Researches; and Promoting the network and attracting new members. On November 10, 2019, the working groups should select coordinators within the groups, as well as define activities that they would implement.
The attendees had the opportunity to vote anonymously for members of the coordination group of the Network, and for the coordinator of the Network. The results of the voting will be announced on November 15 during the Media Literacy Days 2019.
At the meeting, the activities that will be realized within the Media Literacy Days were discussed, and the new logo of the Media Literacy Network was presented.