
Handbook for Spotting Disinformation Launched

A Handbook for Spotting Disinformation was prepared under the Twinning Project on “Enhancement of Capacities of the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services and the Public Broadcasting Service”, in cooperation with Thomas Rathgeb, Head of the Department of Media Literacy, Programme and Research at the State Institute for Communications in Baden-Württemberg, Federal Republic of…

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High-school Students Learned Story-Telling through Film

More than 100 young creative people shot short videos at the workshops for short feature and documentary films at the “Giffoni” Youth Film Festival, which took place from 4 to 8 October in Skopje. The Short Feature Film Workshop guided high-school students from the development of an idea, through filming, to post-production, while introducing them…

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Workshop: ICS Media Literacy Competencies

What knowledge and skills should a citizen possess to be media literate? This was the key question that the professors from the pedagogy and other faculties at various universities discussed with Croatian professor and media literacy expert, Igor Kanizhaj. Together with him, they looked at the traditional concepts of setting learning goals when creating a…

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High-School Students’ Skills in Spotting Disinformation In a Race Against Artificial Intelligence

High-school students have the skills to spot disinformation that, as they say, they grew up with; however, it still happens that some of them “slip” and share or fall for a certain manipulation. Their impression is that disinformation are massively present on all social networks, and to check these, they use different techniques starting from…

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[Video] Journalists Speak: AI May Be the Newsrooms’ Ally, but Cannot Replace the Journalists

The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) tools is threatening daily to “squeeze out” humans from the professions. What is the situation in journalism? Did you know that in Macedonia we already have the first AI-generated TV programmes? To find out how this can affect journalism in our country, we asked some journalists about how…

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