The Institute for Communication Studies (ICS) at the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services (AAVMU) organized a presentation of the Guide for Trainers – Developing Media Literacy Skills.
The presentation was attended by professors, teachers and students from several secondary schools in the country. Representatives of ICS conveyed the experience of implementing this model and guide in the “Nikola Karev” high school, under the leadership of professor Snezhana Stankova, as well as recommendations for all educators interested in implementing similar educational activities for their target audiences.
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The guide was developed within the framework of the Inclusive and Creative Media Education project, implemented in partnership with KAVI (Finland) and the University of Florence (Italy).
ICS has produced this document to be a practical guide for anyone who wants to implement media literacy programs, whether it is a school or a community organization.
The event was held within the Media Literacy Days 2023.
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