On June 7, 2018 a working meeting of the Media Literacy Network was held, which was open to other organizations to expand opportunities for collaboration. The purpose of the meeting was:
– to present three media literacy projects which, in the next three years, will be implemented by the Foundation for Internet and Society “Metamorphosis” and “Eurotink”, MIM and MOF, and which are financially supported by the European Union;
– to discuss current events in the field of media literacy;
– to open the issue of the form and directions of the further operation of the Network.
As indicated by the program director of Metamorphosis Filip Stojanovski, the project “With a critical opinion to citizens with media skills – CriTink”, which is implemented by the “Metamorphosis” Foundation in partnership with “Eurotink”, will be implemented in the period from January 1 to December 31, 2020. . The project aims to promote media literacy as a basis for preserving the right of citizens to have different opinions, by stimulating a culture of critical thinking, pluralism of opinions and democratic values. Goran Lazarov, project coordinator from Eurotink, clarified that the call for awarding the first round of small grants, in the amount of 5,000-7,000 euros for 8 partnerships between civil society organizations, media and other stakeholders, is underway, one in each of the eight planning regions. . The call will last until July 6, 2018, and more information about the project is available at the link http://crithink.mk/bara-e-za-aplikacii-grantovi-za-gra-anski-organizacii-vo-ramki- na-proektot-kritink/.
The representative of the Youth Education Forum, Stefani Spirovska, explained the “Youth Expression Project”, aimed at encouraging and social activation of young people through a series of activities, campaigns and trainings, in which the partners are the Center for Balkan Cooperation Loja from Tetovo and the Youth Alliance Krushevo. Youth debate clubs, creation of a declaration on freedom of expression and youth, research on social capital among high school students and students and support of youth organizations are planned. It is planned to organize workshops for conflict transformation in communication and training for non-violent communication in the municipalities of Tetovo, Kumanovo, Skopje, Veles, Negotino, Kruševo, Bitola and Struga. This project also foresees small grants for building the capacities of youth organizations in the field of freedom of expression, and the announcement is expected to be published during June, for which the members of the Network will be further informed.
Vesna Nikodinovska from the Macedonian Media Institute presented the project “News Literacy and Digital Literacy – Dealing with Fake News”, which will be implemented by MIM in cooperation with the Institute for Communication Studies, the Independent Union of Journalists and Media Workers and the Institute for Media and diversities from London. The goal of this project is to help users of social networks become more informed consumers of online news and information, as well as responsible active citizens; to encourage a debate on news literacy and digital literacy among journalists, foregrounding the economic and social preconditions for freedom of expression; as well as to raise the knowledge of CSOs so that they can effectively deal with fake news, disinformation and unethical reporting in the media. For the project, it is planned to award grants of 8,000 euros to 6 civil society organizations, and the advertisement for them should be expected to be announced next week, about which the Network will inform on the special e-mail address and through the website www.mediumskapismenost.mk.
At the meeting, Emilia Petresca-Kamenjarova from the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services conveyed the latest European experiences regarding the functioning of media literacy networks, which are also noted in the Recommendation of the Council of Europe on pluralism in the media and transparency of media ownership. from March 7, 2018. The Recommendation explains, among other things, the relationship between media literacy, media pluralism and the transparency of the ownership structure. In that context, it is pointed out that member states should review their own legislation to determine where and in what way media literacy should be included, so that it becomes an integral part of education at all levels, including lifelong learning, that is, to develop a coordinated national policy for media literacy and ensure its operationalization by providing adequate resources. A key strategy could be support for the creation of a coordinated national network for media literacy, where there is none, or further development of the network, where it already exists – as is the case with the Republic of Macedonia.
In this direction, it was announced that the current Program for Encouraging Media Literacy ends this year and that in the fall the Agency will prepare an overview of the activities carried out so far and plans to produce a policy document, in which guidelines will be given for promoting and supporting the development of media literacy. . Apart from this, it was also pointed out that the experiences of other European countries indicate that it is necessary to think about the internal organization of the members of the Network according to areas of predominant activity and, perhaps, about the formation of a coordinating body, in order to intensify the work.
In that context, Vesna Nikodinovska introduced the attendees to the fact that MIM is the national coordinator within the framework of a regional project for establishing media literacy networks and that, together with AVMU, they are considering how the structural improvements of the Network and the development of a policy document for media literacy to fit into this project.
Emilia Petreska-Kamenjarova also indicated that together with MIM, they are working on bringing in a foreign expert in the fall who would pass on his experience in terms of planning and implementing projects in the various fields covered by media literacy to the members of the Network, and it is being considered and for a possible study visit.
In the discussion that developed afterwards, Snezhana Trpevska from Resis Institute emphasized that, in order to enable a significant improvement of media literacy, it is necessary for the competent institutions to develop a comprehensive strategy for media literacy. She, drawing from her experience analyzing the situation in Montenegro, pointed out examples of strengths (for example, the commitment of the Montenegrin Ministry of Education) as opposed to weaknesses (the insufficient results of the media education subject due to the fact that it is optional).
Alexandra Temenugova from the High School of Journalism and Public Relations informed that cooperation with the Bureau for Education Development is being discussed, but that she expects to have more specific information next month.
Maja Radvanska from “Pablik” reminded that “Lice v Lice” magazine is constantly open for cooperation, adheres to the highest ethical standards in its work and strives to publish information and news related to media literacy.
Representatives from Equalis, the High School of Journalism and Public Relations, MIM, NOVATV, MOF, Conedu Global, CRM, Metamorphosis, Eurotink, Resis Institute, Public, Film Agency, Radio MOF and Channel 77 were present at this working meeting of the Network.