The complaints that were considered today, in a public session, by the Complaints Commission at the Council for Ethics in the Media of Macedonia (SEMM) mainly related to plagiarism, or the so-called “copy-paste” journalism (violation of Art. 12 of the Code of journalists), violated copyrights, plagiarism, not contacting the second party in the stories.
The commission composed of Mirce Adamchevski, Snezhana Trpevska, Meri Jordanovska, Dimitar Micev and Teofil Blazhevski considered 11 complaints that were submitted to them due to violations of journalistic standards, and it was an interesting topic for about 30 students from several universities, who participated in the discussion with their thoughts and questions.
Students from different universities attended the session of the appeals committee, in order to familiarize themselves with the Code of Journalists and ethical standards in reporting and to familiarize themselves with the work of SEMM. The process of reviewing complaints and making a decision was explained to the attendees, and the guidelines for ethical reporting in the online media were also explained to them.
The public session is part of the contents of the “Days of Media Literacy”, and an activity of SEMM supported by UNESCO, in the project “Building trust in the media of SE Europe: support for journalism as a common good”.